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Booting Problem with On Board Graphic Card


I just assembled 1 Rig, Asrock H510Pro BTC + 3 Sapphire Radeon RX580 Dual GPU. Because my VGA has no display output, so I counting on the Onboard VGA display of the H510 with the processor but no display when booting, so I tried to install Sapphire R 550 4GB for display and normal, with Onboard VGA still not showing, :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:
I try with latest hive OS 212, but still no display when booting…
here My Rig Spec :

Intel G6600
Asrock H510pro BTC
Sapphire Radeon Dual GPU 580
Memory Team 8 GB
PSU CM 1000 Watt.

is there a case like this… need advice and solutions… Please…

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can you get video output with any gpu? is the board verified working?

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I’ve tried with the RX 550 which has a Video output in the PCI-E slot closest to the CPU, display is normal. But if you use the On Board Video Output it still doesn’t display anything on screen after boot to hive OS :sweat: :sweat:, because the 580 Dual GPU model for mining doesn’t have a video output, so I’m very dependent on the onboard VGA :smiley: :smiley:. Is there a HiveOS issue with the 500series Chipset if the display uses the output from the onboard VGA? Or is there a certain HiveOS version that can output onboard Video using the H510 Chipset?

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so everything works properly minus onboard video? i do believe its not supported yet. if everything is working imo just manage it remotely, or leave the display hooked to the rx550

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That’s Correct… Everything Works properly just minus onboard VGA… I like that this mobo runs well with Hive OS, it’s just that it can’t use the onboard VGA. thanks for the reply… hopefully there will be an update soon with the new hiveOS

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Hi, Have you found a solution.
I have same problem with mainboard 560 and 590 chipset.

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I meet the same problem with ASRock H510 Pro BTC+. Did Hive OS has any schedule to support it?

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Hi Hive OS,

I have the same problem with the ASRock H510 Pro BTC+, please help to provide a solution ASAP.

Thanks for your help :grinning:

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