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Available Algorithms / Coin to mine with 1060 3GB

Hi guy, I’ve done several testing for the 1060 3GB card, i jusst want to share the result for this card

I hope any feedback or other references for this cheap graphic card, so feel free to replying any idea :bulb:

*Sorry for my English, hope you guys enjoy :grin:

1060 3GB available algorithms to mine :

Autolykos2 ( ergo )
Agresive Oc :
Pl 65, Core +40
Mem +800 (windows), +1600 (linux/hiveos)
–mt 6, Lastest Trex miner
Result 57,xx - 58,xx Mhz

Zelhash / equihash 125,4 ( flux )
Oc :
Pl 70, Core +150, Mem -1000 (linux/hive), Lastest MiniZ with --oc1
Results : 18,xx Sol

  • ( Try this on windows just getting around 15,xx - 16,xx )

Equihash 144,5 ( btg, btz )
I skip this algo ( Power Hungry )

X16rv2 ( dunno )
I skip this algo ( Power Hungry )

Blake3 ( Alehpium )
Oc :
Pl 60
Core +150
Mem -2000 (linux/hiveos)
Lastest BZMiner
Results : 352Mhz
( I recommended this algo for 1060 3GB )

  • Note : All Oc was set using P0 State


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