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Auto installation of AMD Drivers on HiveOS/Ubuntu

for me ./ cause shutdown !!

in putty it clause putty in vnc viewer it clause connection on the local it stop all.
Should I stop something before ?

Make sure your in maintenance mode. that could be the watchdog

Thx for this amazing script just tried it to update to 19.30 on hiveos beta for my rx 5700 Xt cards and just had to edit a few lines in your script to get the 19.30 driver listed an i was good to go :wink:

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My problem arises just after this only, I suddenly noticed that my Skype Mic Not Working Windows 10 which is really a big problem because I cannot call anyone or use Skype at all.

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Yeah thanks for your contributions. I have been able to maintain the code like I would like I am happy to see pull request :slight_smile:

Ahh yes I understand my friend. Uninstall Skype and use Zoom, pro-tip

Np just glad to give something back , saved me for a lot of hassle :wink:

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Хочу откатить драйвер на более ранний. Подскажите пожалуйста, какие шаги мне предпринять?

Hey I’m having problems when running the last line. The 3rd one. I don’t get the screen to load up so I can select a version. Any help please. Thank you

Somewhere I had a contact of a person who understands this, I will try to search

Launch the Hive Shel link in Internet Explorer. And everything will work out. It helped me.

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Necessarily Internet Explorer? Will another browser help?

I tried to do this in Vivaldi, Chrome … It didn’t work. Probably the settings and ad blockers interfere. But in IE it turned out.


Ghrome most likely ad blockers

For this issue you are better off running these commands in the terminal.
Either SSH or local session.

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The ad blocker is blocking ads, it’s not an issue, Most likely

This script is wonderful to chose a specific version of a driver. If you just want one of the latest with less hassel check this post:

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Latest AMD driver is 19.50 uploaded to HiveOS drivers directory Jan 2, 2020 it supports new RX 5500 GPUs. This is not yet available in @Meccaflare0’s script.



After updating the drivers, the cards are not detected by the miner. The idea why?