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ASUS PRIME Z-490-A Motherboard BIOS Settings x6 GPU Help

Hi all,

I hope you are doing fine!

Well I have done all that An9elo_RZ said and the OS did recognize all 5 cards, but the miner didn’t stared complaining about some CUDA CORE error in the hive OS.

I have the same MOBO but my Above 4G option is in a different option, it is under Advanced / System Agent (SA) Config.

I tried a couple of things and strangely, just setting the BIOS to factory settings and disabling Above 4G fixed the issue.

PS: My rig worked fine with 4 GPUs (3 in risers and 1 into the 16x slot) and adding the 5th one in a riser messed up the first time.

PS1: I am waiting for another 2 risers to remove the GPU from the 16x slot and put it in a rise alongside with another GPU in the other rise, I will let you know if everything went well in a week.

Here is an update for anyone wondering if these ASUS boards are capable of running 8 GPU’s.

My Z490-A is now happily running 8 cards with no issues at all. Settings remain as previously posted, other than I dropped down to using 4GB of RAM.

Here are a few picture showing how I use PCIe splitters on the board to increase the GPU capacity.

Hope someone will find this helpful. Happy Mining!

And here I have another 8 cards running off of an ASUS B460-PLUS. Similar settings in the BIOS. However, in this case I must have the splitters inserted in the x16 PCIe slots, as they will not be detected otherwise.

Share and copy link to this thread for anyone needing help with these boards. Happy Mining all. Stay safe!

Hi, thank you so much !
You solve my problem !!
Thanks again :wink:

Hi, I am quite worried. I have an asus prime z490-p. I tried all this configuration and I can’t get it to work. I have a rx 6700 xt and 3 RX580. when I connect the fourth card it doesn’t work. :expressionless:

Hi guys,

I am back with good news, I have installed my sixth GPU and all of them still works.

Is it not because of your PSU, does It handle all the wattage of your GPUs? I did not have any problems with 4 GPUs (03 with risers and 01 in the PCIe 16x slot).
Did you try what I have said in my first post in this thread?

I have two 600w PSUs, should be fine. I tried your configuration but it didn’t work.

I created a forum account to say thank you for the detailed reply.
This helped me a lot.

I too had the same issue, 4 cards work but after adding the 5th card, the board boots to the BIOS and waits. Not sure which option fixed the issue but it’s working fine now :slight_smile:

Have you tried adding more gpus doing m2 to pcie? Any chance of gettin 10 gpus on this motherboard?

Taken from HiveOS FB member. All cards (18) running stable for a week in an Asus Z490-P.
The guy uses splitters and M2 to USB adapters…
i5 10400 / 8Gb RAM
It seems that randomness is the word for mining biz…

Hey would you mind sharing your BIOS version and all BIOS settings for the B460-PLUS? I have been trying to get more than 4 GPUs on it for almost a month now with no luck. This is the first time I have seen anyone anywhere on the internet post about having more than 4 GPUs successfully running on this board. Thank you

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Getting an error when I add the 12th gpu (GPU 1)

Any help?

Hola amigo, me podrias enviar una foto de tu rig y config de la board…, no logro conectar mas de 11 tarjetas de video, y tuve que desactivar el lan para colocar la 11 jaja, me podrias ayudar porfavor

Friend, what is your version bios and the version system?

Hello, I am having problems with this board as well getting passed 4 GPU. Occassionally it recognizes a 5th but that errors and then never shows up again.

Flashed to latest BIOS, using all the shared BIOS settings. 5 1660 supers - no luck

Thanks for the detailed reply. Unfortunately, still having issues. Putting head through wall soon

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