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Asrock Taichi 6800XT low hashrate help!


Hi FastCrimes,

Did you make any other settings? I only got 61.4 MH with 136W under the values indicated above.

Hi Lmanga
What program are you using as a miner? If it’s not Gminer, try it there and give the SoC VDDmax:960

I was using Teamredminer, I will test with the Gminer. Thanks.

Hi FastCrimes, I understand that I have the same card you have, RT6800XT Asrock Taichi,
can you please send me a screenshot of your configuration, or in any case confirm me this,

as far as I see the fields Memory Controller Voltage, Memory Voltage, Power Limit and Soc Frequency you have left them blank?

and what version of Hiveos are you using?

all that will help me, as I am very novice, thanks.


Luego de aplicar el overclock , todo funciono bien ??
ahora consume 116wats la gpu?

finalmente, la configuracón quedo como en la imagen?

los campos Memory Controller Volatage , Memory Votlaje, Power Limit, Soc Frequency quedaron vacios?

Hola Carlos, nunca me llegó a funcionar a 116Watts. Pero te dejo como estan configuradas las mías, trabajando a 140W.

Me dan 62.15 MH

Lmangas gracias por el screenshot, configuraste el DPM = 5 ??

la primera 6800xt que configure se quemo, al parecer por que use un cable de alimentación vga y a su auxiliar le puse un splitter para obtener 3 salidas de 8 pines, y ahora estoy un poco temeroso de hacer el overclock por eso estoy informandome bien,

entiendo que tu alimentas tu 6800xt con 2 cables vga correcto? (1 cable va a una entrada de 8 pines en el gpu, el otro cable con su auxiliar va a la otras 2 entradas de 8 pines en el gpu)

por otro lado, llegaste a configurar el valor del DPM o no?


Hello friends, you can only enter the settings I gave. I also use the settings I gave, I dig Gminer.

Actually, these cards are supposed to give 63 64 mhs, but I couldn’t find the right overclock settings. I get 62.19, 62.20, 62.21 mhs at these settings 115 w

Hello Fastcrimes,

thanks for your help,

and that value of 5, is that the DPM, how do you configure it?


In the Popular presets section, first enter an existing setting, then enter the settings I gave you. Dpm part will come

Hi FastCrimes,

I have placed a RT6800XT TAICHI , I have not yet put it overclocked
but I was surprised that the initial values (without OC) are

I understand that the RT6800XT without OC consume something like 150 or 160 watts, but not 216 watts, as it was in your case, before the OC,

as it was in your case, before the OC, they consumed that amount of watts?

hello Carlos Javier
I don’t remember, but it was really surprising consumption. After all, the card in my hand is the same, it provides oc consumption.

thank you FastCrimer,

I have achieved the same results as you.

Hola Lmanga,

finalmente lo configure con los parametros de Fastcrimer y si me consume solo 116Watts,
tal vez no dejaste el DPM en 5?


Carlos P.

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Cuanto de MH te da?