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Ask for help Sign up to create your first farm. But the farm created is not in the system

ask for help Sign up to create your first farm. But the farm created is not in the system.
I tried adding the farm several times but it didn’t work.
please guide me
What do I need to do to build a farm?

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What does your hive dashboard look like? Can you post a screenshot?

I sent a link to the clip when I built the farm. Come in this message, please watch the video clip and guide me.

Link: cf4aafbc 085b 474d 89a7 a73943cff085 - Sendvid

I sent a link to the clip when I built the farm. Come in this message, please watch the video clip and guide me.

Link: cf4aafbc 085b 474d 89a7 a73943cff085 - Sendvid

Try from another device, or log out, clear browser cache and log back in. If that spinning hiveon logo is in the center of the screen it means the page isn’t fully loaded.

I have followed your advice. but not successful

I tried creating a new account and trying to build a farm, it didn’t work either.

Have you tried from the app? Maybe from another network connection as it appears yours isn’t loading