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Asic S19j Pro - HIVE Firmware - stuck at environment temperature is too high

Hi all,

I just tried the new hive firmware for S19j pro.
But on all my asics i am stuck to this error message, when i try to autotune, when i try to force a profil, etc. I tried on several asics but it’s always the same despite my room temperature is “only” 40°.

It doesnt seems to be possible to ignore or to change this setting. What can i do ?

2022-06-14 21:20:19 driver/driver-btm-api.c:663:check_bringup_temp: Bring up temperature is 56
2022-06-14 21:20:19 driver/driver-btm-api.c:216:set_miner_status: ERROR_TEMP_TOO_HIGH

Talked to the team, it appears that this is a bug that should be fixed in the next few days.

Thanks for the information !
How will I know when the firmware will be updated ?
There will be some announcement ?

Yeah there should be an announcement post

Hi!, what control board do you have? xilinx19 o 17?, i have an issue on a s19 Error power lost!

I didn’t know there would be a difference. I know I feel stupid now. How do I know which control board I have ?

Hi, if you have a mini usb on the front of the s19, you have an amlogic board or the sd reader into the s19 you have a beagle bone o double deck. I have the sd reader in the front of the machine and my control board is a Xilinx model.

The s19 have 3 models, Xilinx, Beagle bone and amlogic control boards

I have an SD reader in front panel, so I guess is a xilling.
But how to know if it’s a 19 or a 17 ? Xilling 19 is for s19jpro ?

I have one with the SD reader inside, it means the sa9j pro hive firmware can’t work on it since it’s only for xilling ?

when i try the firmware of the xilinx 17 my s19 didnt boot, the xilinx 19 boot but shows me ERROR POWER LOST.

The firmware for the double deck s19 is under development. (DOUBLE DECK IS THE CONTROLBOARD WITH THE SD INSIDE THE MACHINE)


Where will be the announcement ?
I’m not able to find any change log or firmware version page on hive site, hence if there is an update I don’t know how I could be aware.

Doesn’t look like there has been any updates yet, it will be posted on all the regular channels (telegram/Facebook/twitter/Reddit etc)

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