I have started testing the ASIC Beta agent and have a few questions/observations that I’d like some input on or like to share:
- My first 3 installs went flawlessly. The next 3 installs, also Antminer S9’s, not so much. They continue to mine as expected, but they fail to report to HiveOS as expected. They will send alerts when they go online/offline (telegram) but they show as offline in HiveOS as shown below:
Note it says 5m, it knows when it booted up, so I’m not sure why it isn’t showing as online.
- After removing and reinstalling the HiveOS agent, AS WELL AS removing the RIG from HIVE, for an S9, you will receive the following :
Error connecting to Hive server https://api.hiveos.farm
/hive/bin/hello: line 98: human-curl-error: command not found
Response body:
ERROR: no config field in response
Sorry, id and password did not work, check and try again
This can be resolved by manually removing:
./etc/rcS.d/S69hive as well as ./home/root/.profile (ssh in and use rm -rf commands).
In theory, should the ASIC agent work on non S9 models? I have an A3 I could test it on if it’s plausible that it will work. I’d rather not try if it’s unlikely to actually work as intended but am happy to if the idea is that the agent should (in theory) work on all (or some) bitmain asics.
Feedback: it would be nice if there was a way to filter “monitor” view so you were only seeing asics etc.
Feedback: it would be nice if ASIC view did not show the fans tied to a specific hashboard/mining board, however I realize this is also a design issue that will need to be dealt with either way so minor in the big picture.
Thanks for your hard work on this. It’s great to see your product working with ASICs. We had just purchased licenses for AwesomeMiner and ran into so many issues with that product, and I believe yours will be the right fit for our GPU and ASIC miners.