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APIserver error


My rig was working fine but suddenly stop working with the following errors.

Looks the different log files but cant seem to find the cause.

Any one experience this before?

Am mining eth, on version 0.6-204@210608 with 3060, 3070, 3080 cards.

Appreciate your help.

20210612 07:37:13 ERROR: No connection, retry after 10 seconds
20210612 07:37:13 WARN: ApiServer: request took long, 116488.8ms for /summary
20210612 07:37:13 WARN: ApiServer: Broken pipe
20210612 07:37:13 WARN: ApiServer: Broken pipe
20210612 07:37:13 WARN: ApiServer: Broken pipe
20210612 07:37:13 WARN: ApiServer: Broken pipe
20210612 07:37:13 WARN: ApiServer: Broken pipe
20210612 07:37:13 WARN: ApiServer: Broken pipe

When I run agent-screen, its reporting the following errors of
“Failed to read miner stats from localhost:4059”.

Any suggestion?


Sat Jun 12 10:55:16 EEST 2021

Failed to read miner stats from localhost:4059

Hashrate t-rex 0 kH/s





Same issue on agent screen.

Failed to read miner stats from localhost:4059

Anyone know why? Miner worked flawlessly for months than I updated HiveOS and now I get nothing?

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