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Antminer s9 ( 2 of 3 boards )

Hey, does anyone know if HiveOS can run an s9 with only 2 boards powered? I know braiins will let you choose that but cant find that option on their firmware. I want to manually unplug a board to save more power but dont want to damage anything.

yeah you can

If i run 2 boards, will it tune for the lower setting but just 2/3 the hash rate and power or will it try to push the 2 boards to the 8.8 th/s target?

it should tune them the same if theres 1 or 2 or 3.

Wait, that’s unclear. So if I want to only run 1, it will only produce 1/3 of total tune? For example 2.9 Th/s and 227 watts? Or is it going to push the overall unit to that target Th/s?

the target hashrate only applies if all boards are there. it will tune the boards/chips the same votlage/frequency whether you have 1 board or 3 connected. 1 hash board overclocked wouldnt be able to reach the same as 3 in stock form

Can you submit a request for that to be built into the app? That way I could tune my miner to an even lower power draw under 680w when I need to. I think Braiins has that built in.

if you dont want to physically remove them i believe you can disable each hashboard individually on the ip dashboard.

if you tune for a target hashrate of 9th, and had 2 boards removed, it would essentially be aiming for 3th

Had a similar issue before, and it turned out to be a faulty ribbon cable. Swapped it, and all three boards showed up again. Also, check the connectors for any dirt or loose pins.

If that doesn’t help, it might be a power issue on the non-working board. I got a replacement control board from once, and it worked great, so maybe check there if you need parts.