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Antminer L3+ asic board 2 requires attention

Hi everyone! First, I’m new here so hello :slight_smile:
I bought my first miner to let it run on the surplus solar energy I’ve got on sunny days, I watched a few video’s how to setup my antminer L3+ with hiveos and I’ve come pretty far, I’ve connected it to F2Pool and it’s mining, however, one of the asic boards requires attention it says, I’ve had this error for two boards earlier, but now 3 are running but one isn’t.

I’m not sure what to make of all the ooooo markers, but I’ve read that x is bad, so what’s wrong at this moment?

thanks in advance, eager to learn :smiley:

Try reseating all connectors on the hash boards and control board, if nothing changes try swapping cables between the hash boards and see if there is a common denominator thats not the hash board itself.

thanks, I took out every connector, inspected it but couldn’t see anything wrong with it, then pushed it back firmly, I tried switching the cables too but the only difference then is the chain number with problems so it’s not the cables I think… hopefully the seller replies to me :slight_smile: