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Amd rx580

Hi guys, I build an AMD rig with 2 6700XT (one from xfx and the other from gigabyte) and with an rx580 8g from aorus.
So, here is the problem, the rx580 mines perfectly on windows 10 with an overclock (aprox 30 mh or 25 mh), but when i put this gpu in the rig it overheat a lot (reaching temperatures of 90°) and doesn’t mines at all, I tried using only the rx580 in the rig and it works without any problem but when i connect the other gpus it starts to fail, i need help with that please.
Greetings from Arg.

I barely solved this problem with this settings in the gpu, but it mines at 15 mh.
When I try to elevate the core frequency everything goes crazy, the rig crash, the gpu overheats. I really don’t know what to do here. So everything helps.

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power limit doesnt work for rx 580 cards.
try with conservative setup :
1100 core clock
800 core voltage
800 memory controller voltage
2000 memory clock
remove the core states and mem states

Thanks for your answer bro.
Now it mines at almost 30 mh, but it still overheats

I don’t know if it is the best for the gpu to stay at that temperature

lol dude you got a big problem then. you need to service it , i mean change thermal paste and thermal pads , check ventilators if they rotate , or are broken.

with these settings it should be cold like 40-50 at most. it uses only 72 watts so it shouldnt generate much heat.

there is a problem with the cooling.

haha yeah the gpu is not working at his best.
I already change the thermalpads and the paste, the ventilators works well.
maybe its time to retire the old guy

If thats the case…

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