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AMD RX5700 XT Bios Modification User Manual (How To)

Found solution with bios from here - Unlock Modified BIOS for AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT samsung + micron + hynix ( :slight_smile:

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Hey, thanks for pulling this all out and making it one nice easy to follow guide from that forum. This is great!
One question for the OP: did you do these same steps to the sapphire 5700xt cards as well? I was doing this for the gigabyte cards but hadn’t done it for sapphire. Also, which model sapphire, pulse or nitro? I have the pulse and I haven’t done much to them yet. But between one of the gigabyte and one of the pulse sapphire cards I’m getting reboots every 30-90 minutes.
I’m also having a similar issue with a power color of the 5700xt line.

Are these methods safe to use on all 5700xt? I did just the timing part and immediately saw an increase of a few MH/s with slightly lower power draw.

But even with not applying any overclocks to any one of the three specific cards I am having trouble with, I continue to get this instability. So frustrating. Lol gotta figure it out better

Thank you, will this work on Aorus 5700XT Rev. 2.0, Single Samsung Memory

Thanks, going to try this with the morepowertool seems like I get some random 0mhs which crashes. Hopefully this does the trick thanks for the great writeup!

Did you end up getting stability? Trying to get the same done on my strix cards

I have an Asus dual 5700 non XT.
I downloaded the XT version, modded it by changing timing straps, and flashed it.
After OC I can’t send the card over 55MH, how can I boost it? Any suggestion?

Here you are the modded ROM and the OC settings.

Any help is much appreciated :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I am actually finding more stability with phoenix over teamredminer. Not sure what it is I just can’t seem to get decent clock speeds out of teamred.

Did you get it working? Trying for my Sapphire lol

Ended up going back to TRM. Still trying to fine tune stability but basically get 57mhs at 102w

May I ask how you did that? I am curious what OC settings you used, and what you followed from this guide (did you use the MorePowerTool? Also which timings did you use for your card)? I have Samsung memory and would like to get around 55MH which I think is the max, but not really sure how. Feel free to send me a message as well if you’d like!

I got some help from the redpandamining discord and they helped with my bios. I just asked and looked around for some similar cards and clock settings in hive and have tweaked and gone from there.

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Am I missing something but where’s the tREF part of the mod listed?

Gives much better results

Damn, those are nice results. I can’t seem to get 950 on my strix rx5700 flashed to strix xt. For the time being I have gone back to something that seems to work for me and also phoenix. I just seem to keep getting some crashing on TRM.

Thanks mate

I was not able to reach 900 till moding the tREF table, it made the biggest difference…

The MEM Mhz mod on it’s own wasn’t a big difference

what setting did you use to mod your BIOS?

Oh and I used Gminer

I used igorslab red bios tool but as mentioned before had some help from the people from RedPandaMining discord who took a look at my bios and changed a few settings.

man be careful letting other people mod your BIOS’s…Though I’m sure Red Panda’s cool

I’d rather do it myself just to be safe and good to lean something new!

RedPandaMining BIOD mod vids don’t include moding the tREF Timings, just the MEM speed table copy and past and voltage range

Do you fresh BIOS copy off your cards and check what the tREF is set too…

Also I’d say your RAMs way to hot

Not a problem, yeah completely understood and yeah these guys are helpful. It’s a strix so it is running hot and known to be hot. I got some spare thermal pads may have to stack them up a bit but currently using thermalright ones on there. I only got arctic 1mm pads left over.

being on water helps :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah get em changed quick smart and I’m sure that will help a lot

I got 1.5mm thermalrights on there both on memory and backplate. Is it worth layering up the 1mm to make 2mm? arctic? THe thermalright should have better w/mk

Don’t know sorry man… it’s different for each card…

I’ve been on water since 2002 so I’ve not had to deal with overheating issues for a long time lol