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All my cards are either not working or reporting massive invalid shares

As mentioned in the title, I’m having some issues to say the least. I removed 3 cards from the rig, then replaced 2 and now it refuses to even hash on 3 ca a and the others are reporting invalid shares. The picture was taken after only 5 hours running!

Everything worked fine before this! I checked for loose cables and risers etc but no dice.

Suspect they are overclocked too far for the rigs current state…but, you have not provided enough data to even make suggestions. Might want to get on a full Web interface for this debugging exercise.

Good luck! Care for those 470 Sapphires, oldies but goodies :slight_smile:

Show us your overclocks and someone might be able to help but in my opinion from the information you have given id say your overclocks are too high.

470’s/480’s doing 31-32Mhs+ seems high to me. Great cards though gotta love em. Plus you can actually get one at an affordable price in the UK.

good rule of thumb when getting rejects/invalids is to lower the ocs and reboot after you see any, repeat until stable.

I’ve gotten over 32 mh for about a year now. I agree that it’s a good rule of thumb to do that. I will try that tonight but it seems hardware related. I had a board burn up a few nights ago. So while waiting for my replacement to come in I plugged my rx5700’s (2) and 1 GTX-1080Ti into my ASUS B250 MINING EXPERT board. I had to remove some of my 470’s because stupidly this motherboard will only allow 13 GPU’s. Any more and it simply won’t POST or it will show up as any more over 13 disabled automatically. (Someone should write a custom firmware for this board)

After I unplugged the 3 cards I added and the PSU link. (Those three cards were running in their own case (the one with the bad MOBO.) I unplugged it all so I could install the new board (which I didn’t even get to do because my ADHD hyper focused on getting this to work all last night)

So overclocks I don’t think are the issue here but I can default the settings on them all and see if it makes a difference.

Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!

Here are the current settings right after I powered it down but before changing cards etc.

With those settings (here is a week or so ago) those same cards with same settings were getting these speeds and no invalid shares.

I still have cards that show up but the miner won’t work with them, I took away all over locks only left voltage settings so I’m not over powering them.

Here are my overclocks I had before all of this

Yesterday is gone. With all the changes, you are working up from scratch. Take your time and build it back up from conservative overclocking, wiring, air flow, etc.

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