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6600 XT low hashrate after few days

I have the mixed rig. It gives near 128 MHash in Hive and average hasrate on pool (2miners) is similar.

But after few days of work (3,4,5 days) hashrate on poll getting low. Looks like works only Nvidia 3 cards but AMD 6600 XT not.

In Hive hashrate is OK but other card parameters in not normal:

Looks like card is not loaded by tasks but miners think that he is.

After rig restart all getting normal for next few days:

P.S: Now I have add 2 6600 xt to this rig (6 cards in total) and I see this strange behaviour on all AMD cards: they stop working in same time (low power), but hashrate in Hive showed as normal.

That means they’re crashing, you can set a power watchdog to make it reboot/restart when this happens. You can always try another miner or try altering your oc settings to see if it helps/makes it worse, too.

Thanks for answer. I’ll try to add watchdog.
I am mostly confused by hashrate. If they are crashed, why hashrate in miner stayed the same?

Cards can crash in many ways. One being the local hashrate looks fine but the actual poolside hashrate isn’t

Did you finally found the cause of the issue? Im having the same problem and tried many different changes of voltages and speed with no luck for core and mem also.

Yes. I’ve changed miner. From GMiner to lol miner. And now everethyng works fine.

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