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580 at 22mh help pls

Hi, I am not sure if I have bad hash rate with my rx580 8gb pulse because it says on the overview of my rig and my reported hashrate on Hiveon Pool that I mine at 22.6mh. When I check my real time hashrate on Hiveon Pool I am at 28.63mh. Can anyone help me to know which of the two is the good hashrate. Thanks

unknown hashrate

In the overview of my rig


Reported is from the miner and should be fixed.
Real time is shares received converted back into a “hashrate” and will rise/fall.
Average is the average over time, in this case, 24hrs.

Looks like you are running near or at defaults.

Similar settings to start with on yours:

Note: you’ll want to add amdmemtweak entries as well based on your memory:
Image 11-16-21 at 9.38 PM

Thanks. I’m new to hive OS so did you have a miner and pool that is good with rx580 8gb?

Team Red Miner for RX400/500 series due to support, stability, and lower dev fees.

With a single GPU? That is going to depend greatly on your choice of algorithm and your requirements for payouts to your wallet of choice. It can take months to reach payout with some tokens and a single GPU.

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