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5700xt vs 5600xt

So I’m considering getting a 5700xt but the 5600xts are quite a bit cheaper. is the performance difference huge? ($175 5700xt vs $130 5600xt)

(or if you guys have any better ideas for around the same price)

They were decent at ethash, about 40mh/s on the 5600 and 55mh/s on the 5700, but neither are great for core based algos. Use a site like whattomine and see what works best for what you’re planning on mining. Personally, I wouldn’t buy either in this market.

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Is there anything better at other algos for around the same price point?
20 series maybe?
Pretty much anything would be a step up from what i had.

Unless you have very cheap power not much is profitable right now. Nvidia cards are typically better at more algos, but you’re not going to find much at the sub 200 dollar price point worth buying imo. Maybe a rx6600 or something.

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wow 14mhs at 80 watts. that is very efficient lol. efficiency isn’t super important because my electric rate is reasonably low