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3090ti Whats the best Memory Temp

Hi there,

With the new update in HivOs we can see now the memory temp but thiking about it…what is the best solution? More power consumption with more hashrate or cooling the memory to get better performance.

Please share yours OC and temps. Thanks

May be a troll, but who has 3090 Ti ? :sweat_smile:

Increase fan speed if you want lower temps. Or set autofan up with your max mem temp you want and it will do as much as it can to stay at that temp.

Also, you should fine tune the oc better, find the highest stable mem clock, and lowest locked core clock that maintains full hashrate. No power limit needed. You should be in the 128-134mh range on those cards.

Most of this GPUs can get under 128-134 mh but I wanna see mem temp. Thats why I share my temps!!! How many have 95 C° or higher memory temp? Check this and whats your opinion?

lower temp the better. like your screenshot shows they will throttle at 110c. if you want a cooler temp, increase the fan speed. imo anything under 90c is more than fine.

Thanks… I think the same !!!

Almost stable running a year.

Those aren’t ti’s though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I love those temps!!.. Awesome, but I’m old fashion gay and like more air then liquid in my rig. I think it requires more maintenance and I’m afraid maybe some leak will blowup everything LOL but stable and running for a year is awesome…

I discovered some miners like phoenixminer does not recognize OC 3090ti (MSI-micron_mem in some cases) . And on the other hand, T-REX miner is better OC option now for NVIDIA 3090ti.

I share last temps. I know I can do it better! What are your thoughts?



Why is your 3090 only pulling 250w?

Because if I turn it up even to 280w I get mem temp above 90°C. I prefer to keep it below 90| C. Maybe turn up the fans a bit but it doesn’t make a difference

Better to run the fans at 100% if you’re worried about temps. 90c isnt hot for gddr6x on 3090s. Hopefully you’re running 0 or negative on the memory as well with such a low power limit.

Thanks @keaton_hiveon … I will play with that…

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