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3090 not reaching full potential

I have a single 3090. In windows it’ll run reliably at 123mh/s at 350-ish W. 1600 mem, 0 core.
In the same machine when I boot in Hiveos no matter what I do I can’t get it to draw more than 277W, and the max hash is 97-ish. Is it a driver issue? ANy thoughts on how to troubleshoot?

Forgot to say, tried trex, nanominer and phoenixminer, all with the same results.


Can you share brand/model of the 3090?
I’m currently running a GIGABYTE AORUS GeForce RTX 3090 at 118 MH/s on Hive 0.6-194@210126 with the following parameters:

  • ETH with T-Rex v.0.19.9
  • Fan @ 100% to get TEMP around 43 degres Celsius
  • Core -300
  • Mem 1700
  • PL 300
    The 3090 is very sensible to temperature and need to be cooled down a lot thus the fan at 100% all the time (same even with auto fan set).
    The T-Rex is making a massive difference. I didn’t try yet other like Phoenixminer or Nanominer. But switching to T-Rex from Ethminer was a massive improvement in both performance and stability. I still have a few rejects.

I have an evga 3090 xc3. On windows with;
evga precision>>
mem +1600
core 0
PL 105
fan 100%
case, fully open

= 123 mh

With hwinfo I can see the memory junction is 108 degrees c., 59 degrees gpu. It’ll pull 340-350 watts. It runs trex no problem for 10 -12 hours at a time, no invalid shares. It does seem to crash eventually.

But no settings in Hiveos get me above 270w. Currently I have it set to fan 100, core 0, mem 2000 and at 270 watts get about 101 to 104mh.

Thats great that you can get 117 with 299w. My card seems to have some kind of dead zone in the power. When I step down from from 105%, one by one, it’ll go down gradually to around 330w at 104%PL, and then 103% drops drastically to 270w.
Does the same with msi afterburner. Will do some more testing tomorrow and post more scientific results.

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I’m having the same issue ,my 3090 start 125mh with 330w power consumption but power drop to 270 and also hash go down, pls let us know if you find any solutions


hello, can you please share the rx 570 4gb/1660 super oc settings and thank you

Looks like it’s throttling. Run the fan at 100% to get the temperature down.

i hope this help you

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Did you find a solution ?

Nope. No matter what I do I can’t get it to draw more than 275watts. So, sitting around 104-107mh now.

60c is definitely too hot. When I run hwinfo I can see the memory temp about 108 if I go over 59c gpu temp which causes throttling. I think 102 is the highest I would want to run my memory for any length of time…

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Core -250 mem 2100 pl 300 fan 90-100. Get 122,5 mh on phonixminer and
124 on nbminer. Zotac 3090

my new Test. 9 x RTX 3090 .

I dont know what to do to get 121

Fans too low, temperatures too high, MH too low, adjust it a bit.

Here are my settings:

im running 122mhs on gminer
core clock -200
mem clock 2400
power limit 350w
fans on auto

So my temperature is 67 C… is that the problem why i cannot get passed 107 MH/s?

No matter what i move on the overclock settings hashing rate wont change up … sometimes it just go down by 3

what are your settings and miner on gigabyte aorus 3090?

Zrzut ekranu 2021-03-14 o 18.32.16 Zrzut ekranu 2021-03-14 o 18.29.14 Zrzut ekranu 2021-03-14 o 18.27.05 Zrzut ekranu 2021-03-14 o 18.24.20

Why if fun go hight and get small temp then drop mh/s?