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3080 lowering hashrate with overclock

Recently got a 3080 eagle rev 1, at first the thermals were terrible, hitting 110C at stock clocks, I replaced and added new thermal pads and have greatly reduced that, but I’ve noticed that if I raise the memory clock any higher than +900, the hashrate will start dropping hard. It would seem like thermal throttling but the memory is only at 96C at this point with settings of core locked to 1200, memory +900, 90% fan, hashing at about 95 MHS for only 214W. If I were to increase this memory overclock to 1200 for example, the hashrate would drop to about 50. I don’t understand what is happening, if the temperature isn’t reaching the throttle point.

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is it thermal throttling? you can run this command to check:

nvidia-smi -q | egrep “Thermal Slowdown”

if it is throttling, you can try to improve airflow, or replace the memory thermal pads.

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