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3070 ti lhr tuf gaming

Hi Guys,

I am new to mining, I just got my miner 6x gpu 3070 ti lhr from mining cave.

can somebody help me overclock my gpu please and also what is the best miner (trex,nbminer,etc)

thank you all.

First, update hive. Set your core clocks, for eth alone ~1000mhz core should be enough to get full hashrate, find the highest stable memory clock for each individual card. Also, lolminer has the best unlock at the moment. Trex isn’t too far behind but still worth using lolminer.

Thank you, I will look at it this night and see how is go.

Should get you around 61-63mh around 180-190w


I updated hive and ans set lolminer, but I have message:
GPU drive errors, nvidia settinga applied with error.
see attach, what should I do ?

Reduce oc on the gpu in the error messages. Looks like your last one and reboot

French dude sorry for my bad word

Try medium OC
900 2500 0

You will get 59/60mhs with less than 170w :+1:

I get this and have 167w

Run this movie exactly

it help you

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