Im very new here, I have started few days ago mining with my new computer, with a RX 580 8GB and 3070. During a week it worked really well, sometimes some invalid share only from my 3070 (any invalid share from RX580), about a 5% of total shares are invalid, I’ve tried some different overclocking configuration but always the same result, but well, not bad at all 5%
Since a few hours ago it started failing a big part of the shares, now the invalid shares are a 70% of the total, I don’t know whats happening, I didn’t touched anything, the internet connection is working fine, the GPU’s has the same configuration and temperatures than hours ago… What I am missing?
On my FlightSheet Im using ethermine’s pool, and as miner I have tested with phoenixminer (latest version and 5.4c) and lolminer, but Im having the same result with all miners.
Can anybody help me please?
Thank you a lot