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3060 ti lhr

My name is Mike and I have been sober for three… wrong group sorry. First time posting. I am confused when it comes to using Hiveos ans Trex miner for LHR cards. Do I need to dual mine to make the most on my 3060ti LHR or should I just use Trex miner and mine ETH only? What’s the best way to use my lhr card?

I would recommend you to look at whattomine and see what gives you most profit. I my self are going for Eth only atm with LHR cards.

But again it depends on your strategy.

Hope this gives you some kind of guidance :slight_smile:

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I am also mining ETH only and whether to dual mine or not depends what you are going to do. If you are always cashing out in dollars or other fiat money, you should opt for whichever gives you the most return, but you can also hold your coin by looking for long term.

There’s no right answer.

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