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3060 lhr help

Hey! I have a question I was hoping you could help me with. I recently got a 3060 to add to my rig. It shows up in Hive but doesn’t mine at all. Do I tried to go thru the process to change the driver to 460.39 but it still doesn’t hash anything.
Do you have any suggestions ?
Are there other Nvidia blocks I need to address to get it going ?:frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

you need to update nvidia driver

I run 470 Nvidia Driver… .the later one does not seem to like my LHR cards.
Drop your CL top -100 to see if it will start as it may already by having limp mode issues.
Mine do not seem to like the latest hive os either… so I rolled it back and it has been 100% up for 5.5 hours. after crapping the bed 5 times in 10 hours for 40mins a time losing temps.

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