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3 gpus one is not recongnised

I just set up my Nvidia 3090 rig I have 3 with 2 1000w power supply’s …I booted it up in hive and one is not recognised

so I re booted within the app and 3 came up now one keeps saying it’s not working I have checked the risers what shall I do ???

typically thats from bad/too aggressive ocs. what ocs?

What does ocs mean ??

ocs = overclocks

Thank you how do I change over clocks within the app ? I done it on my computer

Scroll to the right. Can you post a screenshot of your worker overview screen from a pc?

I have tried some oc setting after 20-30 mins my gpus say error still
What would the best settings be for a 3090 ?

the goal is to find the highest memory clock thats stable, and the lowest core clock that maintains max hashrate. you dont need a power limit with the locked core clock set.

So for power limit would I leave it blank ?

yeah no need for it

It still switched off after 30 mins

This is the next one I’m going to try

But for the cores I put the founders edition 3090 at 0 than the msi 3090 at 1200

Trying this now