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2x 3080 but one gets lower hashrate

Please ignore the 3070s and the OC Settings I know they are bad.

One 3080 gets 103MH
The other one gets 97MH on the same settings…

In the first minute the card that gets lower MH reaches the full 103MH but then it drops and doesnt keep a constant MH.

Both cards are new. Any solutions?

use locked core clocks like you are on your 3070s first. then check if theyre thermal throttling

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I did and it gets now constantly 101MH but at fan 100%…
Where is the issue?

if they get 101mh whats the issue?

The other card doesn’t need those settings and works fine and it’s loud…
There has to be a solution that makes this card work as good as the other

Locked core clocks are more efficient and better for the card. Is your card throttling?

I think it is yes

You can see if it’s thermal throttling by running this command nvidia-smi -q | egrep "Thermal Slowdown"

It is

You can try adding an external fan, if that’s not good enough you’ll need to upgrade the thermal pad

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