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2fa login not possible anymore even not with Authy!?

Hi all

first of all i can use Hive from my mobile and also from desktop.
But if i try to login from my laptop its impossible.
Security Code is wrong i am getting as answer.

I red about problems with google authentificator so i disabled 2fa temporary.
Then I enabled it again and synced it with Authy.
I am getting my numbers now from Authy but again at login i see “Secrity Code is wrong”.

Funny is that while deactivating 2FA i had to add my current key from google app and it accepted my 2fa code for that. So in my mind the 2FA login from google wasn’t wrong its just the login site which is kind of asynchron!? Otherwise i wouldn’t be able to deactivate 2fa in my account settings.

So how can i login?
Latest in 30 days or so i will get a trouble if my desktops want to have a new 2fa key i guess.
Thanks for help


Hello, i have the very same problem. By now i only can acces through the cellphone, but i don´t know how i´ll access if i lost it.

I get the same error, “security code is wrong”. Is there a topic on HiveOS that discusses this? I cannot log in on any device.

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