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2 rigs same Internet connection, high sales on one rig


I’ve got 2 almost identical rigs, one has 3 GPUs the other has 6. They all 2060 supers 8GB and im using overclocks the same on both its.

Except this one 6 GPU has a high stale and rejected share rate. I’ve tried swapping miners from Phoenix to red and the issue was still there. I’m lost, with this one. When I built it and tested at home there was no issues.

I would check two things: the motherboards if they are the same. Also the pci slots. If some are x1 x8 x16, and are mixed, this could lead to these issues.

OK so the issue was an internal ip address conflict, dhcp server give rig1 the IP that for some reason was set as a static on a computer desktop. Figured this out with the system admin.

Good to know. Thanks for sharing the answer.

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