about powering mining rig with two seperate psu’s.
I know people are using adapters to hook up second psu, like this one
Out of curiosity, i have been reading about this setup and optional diy wiring of psu’s.
There is some interesting info about “grounding loop” and other isues that may arrive when one mb have 2 psu connected to it. I understand that the adapter only sends signal to boot allso the second psu at the same time and additional power from 2. psu is used to power gpu’s/risers or what ever components… These gpu’s are connected to mb that is powered with 1.psu, so is there any possibility that there will be some kind of “conflict” with psu’s power management due the possible flow of current “the wrong way around”, what iv been reading there is possibility that earthing of components may “confuse” psu’s and cause earthing loop. It is even mentioned that its adviceble to hook up both psu’s to same socet on the wall… or same output source anyways, like same socet with two outputs so they share same ground wire.
Is it possible just use “paperclip” method in 2. psu