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1660s Hynix 37mhs

I dont have stock rom. Send mail to Msi Support but they didnt help. I dont know what should i do.

Try do a live chat with a person. I contacted support several times on other issues and they are very good at solving it for me.

If this doesn’t work out, you can always send it back for RMA. Normally cards have 3 year warranty.

I personally broke a 3070 FHR, I don’t know how but it refuse to boot. I send it back to asus, paid only a $25 shipping, and they fixed it for me. That’s the benefit of under warranty.

I bought it on I dont know how is it working rma prosedure. Can u communicate with msi japan for me. I can share serial numbers. I really need someone help. Dont have computer so that i couldnt try a windows device.

Try it, is a backup from my msi bios

Hi, what exact GPU and BIOS is this?

I have the same problem, Mak 28MHS with 1660S Hynix
OC to 1050 and 2400
you should get 31MB
2022 uses new BIOS, need to enter Positif No

Hello, 90.16.5A.00.19

Hey guys. Please excuse my broken English.
I bought some 1660S, MACY brand, and the person who sold it to me said it was Hynix 2.0 mem.
I refreshed the BIOS of MSI and Parit, windows does not recognize the mem, and Hive cannot boot.
I don’t know if it’s because it’s a new card in 2022.
But in Bilibili, I found someone claiming that this brand of card can be swiped and can reach 35MH.
Does anyone know why this is? Or which friend has the corresponding BIOS?
Or still have to wait for the release of the new BIOS?

Hey Aeon
Did you find any solutions to your problem? I have the exact same issue… The card keep crashing Hive so I can’t put the original bios in

just use maintenance mode without loading drivers

new hynix mem, org bios. asus phoenix. I can share if someone wants to unbrick.

try using bigger core

Same problem here. I’ve tried to flash the vbios on a MSI Ventus through Hiveos, flash went ok, but hive never started again with this board in place. I’ve savedthe original vbios before the mod, and I’ve tried to go back to the original vbios, on windows using nvflash, and, after turn off the protection, I keep getting the error: “power alert asserted”

Anyone can help me. Thank you

Hey there

I also used windows and nvflash to put the original bios. But mine was an Asus Hynix GDDR6 · 90.16.5A.00.32
I didn’t have this problem of yours, I disconnected all the cards then installed them one by one
If this doesn’t work, you could perhaps retry to flash the bios again with the original one

Good luck pal

Any stable OC for 90.16.5A.00.32 Asus Hynix? The only stable memory clock is -1004 and that only yields 22mh dual mining. This is by far the most difficult card to OC. It’ll hard crash the system randomly sometimes without warnings.

Maintenance mode and flash the original bios fixed it for me.

Hi, It’s been a while, I was able to got the last 1660s for my last spot on motherboard, bought ir from bestbuy on April 2nd, unfortunately despite of the memory type is Hynix, and hiveos was able to flash the Palit bios with force security check selected, but the Hiveos gave a bunch of drm error during the hiveos bootup and cause CPU softlock, and hiveos panel will display “Unknown” on the memory row.

After went through some newer post regarding to this card and bios version, it seems like the bios 90.16.5A.00.32 is the newer version of 1660s bios from Asus, according to one post from forum: ASUS gifted you with their DRM bios locked TUF 1660 Super, now you can't bios mod those with hynix vram anymore

This might be the cause of those newer 1660s card, I personally got the exact same model this February from Memory Express, that one has no issue to flash the Palit Bios and achieve 36MH hashrate.

Just be aware if you wanna still getting new card, there are posts also said the Asus single fan pheonix version also has this bios version, so I assume that version is unable to do this bios mod either.

Thanks for sharing the oc, I recently got one from Bestbuy, the Asus TUF 1660s oc also come wtih the newer 90.16.5A version, since this newer version for bios mod seems been blocked. Hope this oc is stable, 34MH compare to 36MH with bios mod is good enough for now.

Don’t you think memories are very forced with this overclock?