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1660s gaming x Froz7 model bios 90.16.5A.00.4C

Can anybody sent 90.16.5A.00.4C bios
My mail: [email protected]

Hi… I’m having the same issue…

Can anyone email/send me this bios
[email protected]


can i also have a copy of the bios? 90.16.5A.00.4C
[email protected]


HI… I’m also looking for this Bios… Can you send it as well


Hello! I have the same problem. Can anyone send me the bios 90.16.5A.00.4C ?

Thank you very much !!

[email protected]

Please send me a copy of the original bios. facing this same issue

[email protected]

Please send me a copy of the original bios. facing this same issue

[email protected]

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