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1660 TI malfunction

I have been having this issue for the past couple of days I tried almost everything I even removed it from the rig and it still will show up. I update the Newest Kernel Newest HiveOS here is a picture and it looks

I check the bios is up to date how can I fix it ???

Have you tested the card on its own? Verify display output works, riser and cables are good etc?

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yes, the problem was with GPU #2 And #5 which was the TI I managed to fix GPU#2 it was #5 the problem but this time I even checked if the motherboard was up to date and it was. I even removed the card and still was showing. any suggestion ???

maybe you removed the wrong card? try adding them back 1 at a time

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that’s what I thought but I reconnected again only the 1660 TI came with this issue

I was recommended to CMOS on my motherboard will that fix it ???

Unlikely. Sounds like either your 1660ti is faulty, the slot it was in is bad, the riser or cables are faulty and so on. Have you ruled any of those out?

well I can tell is not the riser or the cables because I have brand-new ones and the slot I put a different card on it and it works so I wondered what could be the problem other than the 1660ti might be faulty

try testing the card on another machine

actually, I did something different because I knew it was between GPU 4 and 5 but now I just noticed it was 4 all alone because ever since I took it off the rig this happened I uploaded the picture