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1660 Super - OC Settings - Watts - Recommendations

Any ideas why one of the 1660S are under-performing ?

What miner you using?

Ive had a similar issue with latest miniz RC2 lowering my 3070 non lhr card by 10MH and reverting back to lolminer bring it back to normal…


I was wondering what’s the nvidia driver version you use for these cards if you may tell me please?

Are the cards stable for a long period of time?

Thanks, :slight_smile:

For that rig I’m using 460.39 and as of yesterday switched to Trex which seems to run fine so far. Though the miner has restarted a few times.

Lol miner for me had wild power swings which was caused by the LHR lock I think.

Miniz recently was giving me rejected shares so I’m trying Trex now…


non, car c’est la bios d’origine et elle très stable (0 invalide share) et temperature aussi stable

MSI GTX 1660 Super Hynix Memory

Hi folks.
I setup my first rig a month ago, with 2 Asus 1660 super.
I just picked the recommend ‘Popular Preset’ and got a good performance (I guess so).

I read this post and some others and haven´t seen a low wattage as I have.
Does it seem ok to you?



-150,2250 PL110 -3060 V1 should get 39.75MH/S. Additional miniz arguments are
-cd 0 1 2 3 4 5

using miniz version 1.8y4rc1

Hello guys, thats my oc config for 1660 super zotac micron memory , is that ok for 1 year?

Put your fan higher (60-70%) your temp at 58c is way to much…Also Remove your PL or take to (90) and your are ok…

Note though, this is the Samsung memory version.

Additional Details:
algo: eth
NvidiaDriver: 470.86
gminer v.2.74
gminer Extra config arguments:
–mt 3
–safe_dag 2
–kernel 5

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Here are mine, try if you want

gsmonobob your are right. the 930 -1004 was not working at all for my gigabyte 1660 supers. I started working with 1050 and 1850 and jumped up to over 30mh/s. So anyone not having success with -1004 should start at 1800 and work your way up to 2300 keeping an eye on overall wattage use and temperature. Try to find the best balance between mh/s over 30 while keeping the wattage low enough to not overwork your fans to keep the temp under 60c. I hope this helps. Thanks to those who helped me find these settings. Big ups! Peace!

Hola Tengo un equipo con 6 placas 1660 super y cuando ejecuto el comando nvtool --clocks me da que el memory clock esta en 6000 en el oc lo tengo a -1004. Como seteo el core clock? Gracias

Hello, the last MSI 1660 super hynix memory gpus i added can only get 28.4h/s with 930 -1004 80 oc settings. Any recommendations on how to fix it?

try 1060 core and 2200 mem :smiley:

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Hello buddy, thanks for responding. Did you notice its hynix momories? Almost everyone with hynix memory using minus memory.