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0% fan on card

I鈥檓 using autofan on the cards, with 30% as min. Did set the gpu at a reduced power rate (those 56W are on purpose). Still, this gpu shows 0 fan speed. I went to see the card and the fans work alternately for a few seconds at low rates.

Even though everything is working correctly, and the card is below the targeted temperature. Did set a minimum speed (30%), hoping the fans wouldn鈥檛 drop below that.

Some cards sometimes do the opposite. They will go at a higher speed even regardless that the temperature is below the set point.

Could it be a conflict between lolminer and hive?

what cards are you using it for? typically 0% fan display means that the driver crashed because of too aggressive OCs or a possible hardware issue.

I鈥檓 mining ton :slight_smile: with a GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 7982 MB 路 Gigabyte (Samsung GDDR6 路 路 PL 100 W, 240 W, 250 W).

The OC is 875/0. I know it can do faster, but we are in an energy crunch currently and need to reduce our consumption.

Just saw the card, and about every 5-10s it spins the fans for a few seconds. My guess is all it needs to keep the temperature at the set point. However, it is being very rude to ignore the min fan speed

Found something that might explain why that card is misbehaving. Even though it shows 0 speed, it claims 34% :confused:

  PSTATE P2, PWR 83.3 W, Temp 55 掳C, Fan 60 %, RPM 892, RPM 890
  PSTATE P2, PWR 96.9 W, Temp 57 掳C, Fan 52 %, RPM 968, RPM 969
  PSTATE P2, PWR 98.1 W, Temp 54 掳C, Fan 35 %, RPM 1427, RPM 1428
  PSTATE P2, PWR 103.6 W, Temp 55 掳C, Fan 46 %, RPM 1710, RPM 1711
  PSTATE P2, PWR 56.4 W, Temp 36 掳C, Fan 36 %, RPM 1426 (30 %), RPM 1396 (30 %)
  PSTATE P2, PWR 81.4 W, Temp 54 掳C, Fan 45 %, RPM 639, RPM 644
  PSTATE P2, PWR 82.8 W, Temp 39 掳C, Fan 38 %, RPM 1993 (30 %), RPM 1875 (30 %)
  PSTATE P2, PWR 56.3 W, Temp 53 掳C, Fan 0 %, RPM 0 (34 %), RPM 0 (34 %)

The miner hasn鈥檛 crashed, since the other card (5) mining ton shows a constant nonzero fan speed

In case you are wondering, the time when fan 8 showed a constant nonzero value, was before I reduced the core frequency, thus reducing the power from 83 to 53 watts

on a side note, is there a way to deselect all other gpus on a stat graph?

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