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Xmr-stak 2.4.7 IndeedMiners cryptonight-heavy broken

[quote=“Fez29;3684”]Hello @maroirainy

wat do u mean hashing great? Where did u see accepted shares? [/quote]

[quote=“Fez29;3684”]Hello @maroirainy

wat do u mean hashing great? Where did u see accepted shares? [/quote]

[quote=“Fez29;3684”]Hello @maroirainy

wat do u mean hashing great? Where did u see accepted shares? [/quote]

[quote=“Fez29;3684”]Hello @maroirainy

wat do u mean hashing great? Where did u see accepted shares? [/quote]

Got messagee, accepted share on the miner screen , but kernel error

Any corrected version soon ,hive - os??

Loki , Sumo , Haven … cryptonight_heavy

Urm yes, use Sumokoin or haven or cryptonight_heavy , either get the same errors as above

“Error CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS when calling clEnqueueNDRangeKernel for kernel 2”

or "result rejected by pool "

True. New XMR is broken.

Почините пожалуйста, упускаю весь профит из за этого обновления. Криптонайт хеви вообще не работает на новой версии, такие же ошибки, как у ребят выше. Локи, хавен, крипто-хеви, пофиг что указывать в курренси и пофиг какая интенсивность и параметры, даже на стоке.

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we really need a fix for the indeed miners version on hive… hash is great and we are losing alot of hash…

Same problem, pls fix it. THX

Has anyone managed to fix this?

There’s a new release 2.4.8

Can anyone compile and try it?

Compiled tried working good not more errors with the new release 2.4.8

please, how do I get it to go on HiveOS?

I managed to compile it, here’s a tutorial

Yes 2.4.8 seems fixed problem with cn-heavy. Performance also seems like in original 2.4.3
Going upload to Hive repository

Any idea when it will be up? Will we need to update our hiveOS version?

THX mate, I learned to compile xmr-stak :slight_smile:

Managed to implement the fork on the web interface

  1. Navigate to /hive/xmr-stak
  2. rm -rf indeedminers
  3. mkdir indeedminers
  4. cd indeedminers
  5. wget
  6. unzip

Now you can run the miner using the selected fork on the wallet section and it shows up on the web interface :wink:

I get a missing shared library

Thank you Octavio for getting it this far.

After running apt-get update
apt-get install libmicrohttpd10 libmicrohttpd-dev libssl-dev libhwloc-dev

The miner started, but the shares are still being rejected. I tried 2 separate pools.

It’s working just fine here.
Did you setup your coin correctly?

xmr-stak was updated 2.4.8 and working fine now both forks :slight_smile: