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The best RTX 3070 OC settings 63 MH

these are the best OC I could get so far. feel free to tweak them a little.


I was getting 61 mh/s with my watts reaching the pl of 125. Im not getting 63mh/s but I am getting 62.5 with 114watts now, cheers


thanks!! it worked for me 59 to 63, with just few extra degrees. on 3 cards, i just need to change my pads on the 3080’s and the rig will be 100%

I got a stable 60.62MH in the past 24 hours with this settings, I know reducing core will preserve the GPU, but what does Memory overclock means ?

C: -500 M: 2200 PL: 120w

Have been stable since last 1 day and 19 hours with these settings. I think I am all set up now for this card.

Mh/s : 63.06 , T: 40°, Fan: 60, Core: -700, Mem: 2800, PL: 120

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Are you still using these settings till date ?

I am getting 64.65 MH

I think the invalids number is too high on your card! You loose more on those than you gain on the +1MH imho!

99.86% valid share in 4 days, that’s 0.14% invalid share. There are 35 rejected shares total and 19 came from the 3070. SO the actual rejected share rate is only 0.14% x (19/35)=0.076%

dropping 1 MH however, is 1.5%.

I have my math correct.

Hmm… You arra right! :slight_smile:
I just don’t really like that there are invalids… :slight_smile:

Keep in mind invalids are reported from the date the rig was booted. The longer your rig runs the higher the invalid number is going to be. That’s why @liubros math is important. This could also be a result of an unstable internet connection. I have rigs running wireless which have higher invalid shares than the wired rigs. Exact same cards and settings…

i followed settings and stuck at 59-60 MH. i am getting 62-63 MH with these OC settings.

Thank you

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works like a charm thank you.

esa es con LHR? minando que te da eso? y con que minero? Gracias

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