Increase your income with Hive. Invite your friends and earn real cryptocurrency!


amazing! thx :smiley:

I get this Error - " Exec failed, exitcode=127 " on 0.5-43

me too

This is simply Amazing! Thank you very much HiveOS team! This is the best s.m.o.s ever!

You must upgrade your version HiveOS to 0.5-44 in order to use teleconsole

Thanks, great feature!

it works but it also expose to a giant security bug, i successfully teleconsoled to one of my managed remote rigs but my customers with no permissions at all also did and got access to the teleconsole session even if there where not supposed to be able to do so

please fix

I am fully updated but when I do telec start it gives Exec failed, exitcode=1

me too

Are you seriously?
You can’t read?
For use this feature you must have at least HiveOS v0.5.44 !!!

My Hiveos is going wrong when opening the Teleconsole, someone knows how to solve this problem ??? I’m on Version Version: 0.5-61
Exec failed, exitcode = 1

Hello, I start Teleconsole but I do not get the console window on my portal for HiveOS. Without the WebUI for the session, I can not remote into my miner. Can someone please assist?

I have a free account. Is it because of that.

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To update teleconsole to 0.4.0 run command:
curl | sh


Your teleconsole v0.3.1 is too old
The minimum required version is v0.4.0
Please upgrade to the latest version at

See reply from @ATrump above

Execute command
curl | sh

Will be updated with nex Linux client update


After update (curl | sh):

Starting local SSH server on localhost…
Requesting a disposable SSH proxy on for root…
Checking status of the SSH tunnel…
SSH tunnel cannot be established, please try again.
Unable to start Teleconsole session

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Запустил teleconsole restart всё поехало, как обычно.

Yesterday, the teleconsole issued an error. Today has earned. (RUS: вчера не запускалась даже после обновления, перезагрузки и рестарта, как будто сервер не доступен. Сегодня работает нормально)

me too :frowning: