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Rx 6800 does it support this card

Farei o teste hoje, para tentar minerar no Windows , faz dois dias que estou tentar minerar sem êxito no hiveos qualquer dúvida perguntarei algo, obrigado pelo post

Using a 6800XT with Alpha code and then upgraded to latest version.

Working with teamredminer. 1st attempt failed but I forgot to upgrade to 8GB RAM.

Using setting someone posted above.

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Anyone know how long until these things start getting supported fully? I’m looking to run a mixed rig of 30 series and 6000 series.

Guys, i’m in a special Beta Image that allows use Rx 6xxx and RTX. Have to talk to the Hiveos team on discord

hi. how did you upgraded alpha to last version ?

Through the shell using selfupgrade command.
You could do it through the web interface as well selecting “Update To Latest Version”

I could go through more details of the step by step how it worked, many people are having problems with this model of plate, it would help the community a lot. :pray:

A version should come out publicly sometime this week or so. Don’t have an official ETA yet.

The Beta version that is available by contacting the dev within the Discord seems stable from the reports that I’ve heard. Which has been a quite a few users. Yet again, should be released to the wild in the next week or so.


Hi i need some

Could you please share your overclocking settings on hiveos? XFX 6800 XT

Can you share these overclocking settings?

This is currently what I am using - have not had time to tweak any further.

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Me too

I’ve been tweaking my OC settings for a couple days now, and I’m getting a bit over 63MH/s with a core clock of 1700 and Mem Clock of 1075. I’m seeing minimal additional power consumption (1-2W) over the 1275MHz Core clock others are using, so the extra 1 MH/s worth the minimal extra power usage.

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I have luck with lolminer, run 5x 5700 with 1x 6800 in one rig with hiveOS alpha version

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I cannot operate with the settings you specified. Can anyone use and share the best settings for xfx 6800 xt? I cannot go above 60 Mh / s. I should be able to get 64 Mh / s

Is there any update the latest version? I have already can’t work the rx 6800 on HiveOS

Enviando: BIOS RX6800.PNG…

Se vocês que tem uma RX6800 funcionando puderem dar esse comando no terminal e dar um print na tela pra compartilhar aqui seria muito bom, vamos ver um comparativo de versões de BIOS pode ser isso o problema.

Estou indo por eliminação pra achar o problema já que alguns conseguem funcionar e outros não!

Estou mantendo todas as informações a respeito nesse tópico se alguém tiver interesse de acompanhar.

This worked for me. Cards not performing great but I will wait for the full release to start tweaking the OC and Vbios.

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Oi amigo, eu não tirei print porque ja tirei do pendrive o sistema, vou esperar o que funciona na Nvidia junto. porque minha rig é mista. mas eu tenho a mesma placa da saphire que vc tem.

Eu instalei no pendrive a versão estável. 06-190, depois eu iniciei esse pendrive sem usar o minerador. Abri um shell de comando no site e fiz o comando: hive-replace -y
demorou uns 30 miinutos ± ele concluiu. ele te avisa quando ta 100% terminado.
ai você inicializa o sistema novamente, e faz o update pelo shell no navegador de novo. só consigo minerar usando o acesso remoto do hive shell, pois quando inicia não entra na interface grafica.
depois que atualizar a versão, você ativa o flight sheet e usa o comando miner start.
ele vai baixar e instalar os mineradores. depois ele já começa minerar normal, porém você só vai conseguir pelo hive shell igual a mim, nessa placa ao menos usando 12 na mesma rig ele não reconhece pra iniciar a interface grafica.