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RX 580 Gigabyte Gaming Samsung memory

try to use popular settings AND memtweak as well

Im having a serious trouble with rx 580

If i do oc it crashes in 2 minutes, tried biosmod and not worked. cant pass 24-27mh

someone please help

Boa noite!!! Por acaso vc ainda tem a bios modificada para AMD Rx 590 sapphire pulse
O link do rapaz que modificou e postou no forum não funciona mais (

Me passa seu email no privado que eu te mando.

What do you think of that?
Can i get more?

and this is my bios

This is my settings

@amackata can you send me your bios for rx580 Samsung K4G80325FC · xxx-xxx-xxx please above link is expired

no Metter what i do it always crashed

Hi @UzairShafi ,

Try some of my mod bios,

I think I have mine stable all at 32mh.

thanks sir. i already tried but no success i run without oc it crushed .
i think bios was modded already because i buy it from used market .
do you have stock bios of gigabyte rx580 Samsung K4G80325FC · xxx-xxx-xxx
please send me if you have

thank for replying and giving us sport

Hi @UzairShafi
I just upload the original rom. If you wanna the original:
Try if work!

Hi, Could you please upload this file Samsung K4G80325FC · xxx-xxx-xxx? Thanks

Hi @fsitios
Yeap! You can download from

can you send me the original bios for sapphire rx590 special eddtion 8gb

Hi, @amackata, i wanted to ask you which bios mod can i download for my cards? I also wanted to take advantage to ask you, the numbers 113-PD9504AJRFC-200 what do they mean? I hope you can help me thanks

Hi @DarkShagui24,

Any for the roms Samsung K4G80325FC is ok but you should pay attention to the weight of the rom file. Some GPU have different zise of rom.

I hv to download 512kb roms, must they always hv the same size? do u hv any bios that i can use?

Hi, @BobLyng can you send the bios you use and the configuration for the rx 580 with samsung memory?

Hi @DarkShagui24 ,
Sorry for the delay. In some cases bios have different size (this depends on the brand)…
Take the one with 512k and the same samsung memory that you have “K4G80325FC”:

If you’re not sure or don’t want to use this, you can always use Polaris to modify your own GPU ROMs… it’s really easy. (Make backup for your original roms)