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RTX 3060 lhr ETH

Maybe you need to wait for a while. My initial mining hash rate was only 16 MH/S, and when I was sleeping, it became 32 MH/S a few hours later.

it worths a try.

Just share my experience. Hope it is useful for you

Thanks a lot, I was waiting for a fix on that. this might be the way to go.

Maybe 3070ti is also worth trying.

Mine crashes after about 100 minutes and the miner reboots the system.

Happy days, hopefully they fully unlock it soon.

Looks like its possible to unlock it! and I didn’t have to wait ages.

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how did you do it? could you help me :slight_smile:

Yes sure, update and use MiniZ



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всем привет) Карты 3060 lhr v2 c данными настройками clk = 1447 mclk = 2700 МГц
используя MiniZ удалось добится 34-35 мегахеша. Спасибо [Reugner]

Не за что

Will try it today, got 2x 1660s and a 2080 super on a BTC-S37 board, might not work for me since no x16 gen 3 on it.

P.S Russians are killing it, spasibo bratva :slight_smile:

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Which exact model is your 3060?

Is this one:

can u send the flightsheet commands u used?

Here is the fixed version of RTX 3060.


been testing my RTX 3060 LHR and wether i use NBminer or Gminer the PL is fluctuating sometimes drops to 80 sometimes rises to 115 even more if i dont set limit.

I have installed it with normal riser and without HDMI dummy, would it help placing it directly to x16 slot and with dummy plugged in?

thanks in advance