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Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti ETH Performance [ALL Versions Topic]

Anyone having problems with Fan speed, after about a day reporting 0% and nvidia-ski reporting GeForce RTX 3060 Ti, 53, [Unknown Error], [Unknown Error], [Unknown Error], P2, 129.70 W, 130.00 W. Again this happens random after about a day or running.


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Version hiveOS, Nvidia or screen worker

my mix of cards. Any suggestions??

Reported Hashrate = real hashrate

See miner and see pool after 6/12H for real hash

Had to reboot for the update, but last you is the one always giving me issues

just added a 3060

V2 config:

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Is that ok?

Ive been runing this setup for days now almost 0 bad shares and cards quite cold, be carefull not to push too hard ur cards just for an extra 0.5mh/s as we cant really see the memory clock temps on these cards yet, i do have an extra 3080 running on my PC and when i tried mining the Mem Temp would go as high as 110 when in games just 70.
Anyway this is my setup if its any help to someone

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You could even go down to 120/122 in PL and just put 2100 in memory, you’re right, don’t push too high just for 50cents / 0.5Mhs

GPU -502 for you will gain in temperature about 2/3 °

My news Setting:


Motherboard used?

  1. I would like to know why I see negative values ​​in the core
  2. how do they know if a GPUs is stable and works well

We reduce the Ccore to reduce energy / heat consumption.
Because in mining, we don’t really need the GPU but the memory.

It is stable when there is no bad share, does not heat up too much or even when it has the standard speed

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How is de value for an estable work for a 3080

Core -350
Mem 2200 (TRY 2300)
PL 230
FAN 75/85%

Asrok H110 Pro

I’m curious about rejected shares… do you want ZERO rejected shares … or are a few ok? 99.8% accuracy seems legit, but do you get bonus points (hash/rewards) for being 100%?

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Hi, you have no problem if you mining in hive os pool (until 5%)…

For reduct problem with T-REX add this:

“gpu-init-mode”: 1
“dag-build-mode”: 2
“low-load”: 1


where can i add?