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Low Hash Rates 3060ti / 3070

To get a low error rate set up your 3070’s to 2600 mem…i go with 140 watts but you can go as low as 130 and tinker with it. Set up delay to 60-120 sec …if your cards are running warm than do -500 on cores…

3060’s …2400 130/135 watts …up to you on core. They should run cool

I tried, but Its like that the oc its not working, look:

Try it by setting fan to min 80. Auto is only looking at core temp, which is fine, but mem is already too hot and throttling.

When my rig was throwing off cores and really acting up, i changed my risers even tho they were powering on. Had many rejections etc…make sure you’re using a usb 3.0 for connections extensions etc from the riser to the motherboard. My gigabyte70’s is a little finicky with the blue core fan readouts and i have those set at -500 2600 140w.
You look all good besides that…once i set my 3070 to -500, 2800 120 bunch of rejected and invalid shares.

Not sure why you’re not doing better, try giving the cards more space so they run cooler. The core gets hot :fire: and hiveos does bot show temps for it and you could be thermal throttling. Try to be under 60’s

You have a good number of shares

The isue was with the motherboard, Now im getting around 59mhs/s :slight_smile:

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I am trying to put more fans to lower temperatures, that right now the winter is ending here.

But now all works fine, except that 3060ti.

See what happens when you go to 2600…i think at least a hash per card 0n 3070


and you can safely do 2400 on 3060’s … pay attention to error/rejection rates if you’re all good than you’re all good. I have one error a day on a rig at most which i find acceptable.

Bro, I dont know, but now im getting too many invalid shares, look this

Into the yellow square, I oc like thi last pic, around 62 mh/s, after that, I reboot the system, but now Im getting too many invalid shares wtf (red quare)

Here are my settings for 3060ti and 3070. I have low room temps (16.5°C - 19°C), but should work even with higher room temp. Imho you have to set fan manually!

Go back to your original settings on 3060 and reboot. Before you reboot put on a delay on overclock to 60 sec. On card might be working too hard on settings and not syncing with network. Ohh and i usually go even on the memory…2500 might be the case with you. Im at 2600 and perfect

I changed pools, before I used phoenix miner and now I am using t-rex, no problems now and better mh/s

310 mh/s, and tomorrow Ill get two news 3060 :slight_smile:

Sweet, ill look into it tonight after my payout. Don’t think i didn’t notice that xtra 3070

How can you check how many payments pending do you have?

What do you think about these stats?

Do you think that the fans are very forced? 70-80% to be able to maintain temperatures around 50 Cº

If your hash rare stays stable you’re doing ok. But running them cool extends lietime. There are a million ways you can build a rig to keep them cool …do far max im running on some cards is 58. Avg 40 but still cold outside.

So my room is kept at 72F or 22C and am able to get my 3060TI running at:

My partial 3070 rig is running :

Now I have not changed from stock thermal pads yet, but planning to at end of month because i have noticed two cards have some oil spots.

Good temperatures, look how I have everything configured now.

I dont know why, but I cannot lower the power of the first GPU, Its always around 137PL…

One question bro, How can I Check the pool payments? Im mining with t-rex miner.

Pool Payments are going to be on the pool website, for Hive pool you have to enter your wallet address here: Hiveon Pool – Most profitable and efficient mining pool