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GPU mining disabled/ OpenCL not found error


I have installed hiveos and when I attempt to run the XMRstak or SRBminer I am getting GPU mining disabled and OpenCl not found error. This is with 5600xt and 6500xt on CNGPU. Any help is appreciated!

HiveOS worker screen show the GPUs? Post please.

Miner view is showing the GPU mining disabled? Is that in the yellow text at start up of miner? Are there any commands in the flightsheet miner config?

Post the start up process in miner showing the errors.

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I was able to get the 5600xt rig running. Now when trying to boot the 6500 xt rig Hive is freezing. This is where it freezes.

Looks like Hive has an issue with the mobo. Switched to output from GPU and it is working now.

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