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GMiner eroding RAM over time

Same issues reported on another thread. Suspect there is a memory leak with AMD and Gminier, had to separate my cards back to two different Miners TRM for AMD and GMiner for Nvidia. You could also try LOLMiner it worked OK with no memory leak but miner would restart for me every 24-48hrs with dual cards.

Do we have any update on this? Also experiencing the same.

Unfortunately no, every 5 days I need to restart Gminer to recover ram.

I tried lolminer but not as stable as gminer. Any other recommendation? I’m mining with mixed cards.

As a lark, I tried Nanominer on my mixed rig…it has been running for 3 days without interruption.

TRM and T-Rex were just not cooperating :frowning:

TeamBlackMiner is coming to MMPOS, I’ll give it a try.

Thanks for the recommendation. Running nano now with almost same hash rate with Gminer.

Found a band-aid, there are commands you can run in Linux to clear RAM and will not affect the miner running. I ran all the command except the one that has “echo 3” and it seems to have cleared out the RAM and not affect the miner running. Next time I have to clear it I will run one at a time and observe which one actually clears the memory.

Thanks for the tip.

OK I prepared this workaround.
Take note that I use mmpOS, so I don’t know if this could work with hiveOS.
Here below the steps followed:

A) Create file:


B) Make it executable:

chmod 755

C) Modify it:


D) Text to be copied and saved in file:


sudo sh -c ‘echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches’

sudo sh -c ‘echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches’

E) Command to schedule it:

crontab -e

F) Line to append in it, to execute the script every day at 3am:

0 3 * * * /home/miner/

Didn’t work for me. Still eating ram.

You have to check the path to the script created, in HiveOS should be different from mmpOS

Yep, added in /home/user/ and it still didn’t work.

Manually launching the script works?

Yes script works manually. But it does nothing. Tried option 1 , 2 , 3.

Im still having this issue and the script is not working on Hiveos. Hope there will be a fix soon.

Please check this page, probably the command syntax for HiveOS could be different:

How to Clear RAM Memory Cache, Buffer, and Swap on Linux (

Execute it manually before saving it in the script.

This is what I figured out, the below command clears my ram but also clears your OCs for AMD Cards in the miner. I have to restart the miner so the OCs are added back in but much less painful and downtime than rebooting rig. Let me know if someone finds a better method!

“# sync; echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches”

If entering command from Shell root then leave off the “#”

Testing out the new version. Looks like it’s fixed already.

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