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First time setup help

It’s mining. Just don’t see the cards on the web

Post some info about your hardware. I would personally add it to the “DO NOT BUY” list :wink:

It’s an octominer 12gpu case.

Did you get SSD, mSSD, USB flash as the main drive? Some smaller components can create a ton of issues. I would try to strip the rig to the bare bones and try to run cards one by one cleaning all the settings, etc.

Yes I did ssd. A hiveos support member logged into it, and said that my network blocks the connection to the api server. But I don’t get it because it’s mining.

A) it could be a network block that allows some connections and some APIs get blocked by the network.
B) they don’t know how to fix it.
Try another motherboard if you can or try to use LAN or a different WiFi network to see where it’s coming from.