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Custom miner: xmrig-amd (Krassus)

проблему какого плана?
с картами? ошибки валятся со всех без исключения. на эфире все работает как часы. сутками без отвалов и реджектов.
куда копать то?

в сторону драйверов и стабильного образа

Krassus thinks that you are talking about his integration of xmrig-amd. He doesn’t use “Hash algorithm” field and so it’s required to specify algo in “Extra config arguments”.
In my integration, wich you’re using, the algo value is gotten from “Hash algorithm” field, so there is no need to specify it in user config.
That’s why both of you are right!

hello i have one problem …
i mining loki and i add this miner but the problem is not connect

Try to set “cryptonight-heavy” algorithm.

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у меня на этой ферме stable не запускается до конца.

после установки stable - все заработало

This is great. My RX580s (4GB) are gaining 11% in average on XHV. Unfortunatelly, on all other cards with 8GB RAM I see only drop in hash rate (with same config).


you may need to redo the config…
my 488 and 478 also have small increase

What did you use for hash algo? I tried crptonight-xhv and all shares rejected. I also tried heavy and added variant-xhv to extra config. Still all rejected.

Well, I am using integration of this custom miner from @ATrump, and as I have learned few posts back (Custom miner: xmrig-amd), there is a difference how integration from @Krassus handles algo selection. So, I use algo field to select cryptonight-heavy from drop-down, and then add “–variant xhv” in user config (but autoselection works and this is not mandatory).

In latter integration, you should use “-a cryptonight-heavy” and variant is not mandatory.

The pool determines whether the option is required. In most cases, Yes, you do not need to specify an variant option

Thanks. I was trying the miner from @ATrump setup the same as you have it, but all shares rejected. I’ll try the @Krassus.

On driver 18.10 with core 4.13 has a lower value of hashrate with rx460 from 485 to 470hs.

I am still using older drivers (17.5) and this is really boosting the performance of my cards. The only downside is that it looks like power consumption has risen a bit, so on few cards I had to pull back on undervoltage a bit… Anyhow, very pleased with the result…

Is there anyway you can add support for free haven thanks

It is expected in the near future, as well as other new versions of algorithms, if they gain popularity.

После обновления через консоль на версию 2.8.6 майнер останавливается при компиляции кода, риг ребутал:

лог майнера:
Miner: custom xmrigamd Already installed ***** ABOUT XMRig-AMD/2.8.6 gcc/5.4.0 ***** LIBS libuv/1.8.0 OpenCL/2.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2g microhttpd/0.9.44 ***** CPU x64 -AES ***** ALGO cryptonight, donate=1% ***** POOL #1 variant auto ***** API BIND 60050 ***** COMMANDS h ashrate, p ause, r esume [2018-11-27 18:12:18] compiling code and initializing GPUs. This will take a while… – 1:custom – time-stamp – Nov/27/18 18:14:21 –

конфиг майнера:
=== /hive/miners/custom/xmrigamd/config.conf ================================================= -o -u 8BvQPb9WWKoYte5mJpbmDJDSP1eaBNdhXg73Er4u1dJNcdMVZY4kydUHWggMPHRcuvLrVMnKqu9DpG6ApE8YZvMrGShog2F -p rx580/460:[email protected] -a cryptonight --variant -1 --opencl-devices 0,1,2,3 --opencl-launch 864x32

Убрал из конфига " --variant -1", и всё заработало. Спасибо.

А для MO да, надо без варианта запускать. Скоро и за их майнер примусь. но он ОЧЕНЬ не стабильный.
P.S. Обновите майнер, небольшие изменения сегодня сделал для UI Hiveos

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