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Can't mine with third card

It will post with 2 GPUs and CSM enabled but not 3. I’m going to have to disable CSM and then reinstall Windows once I do is my understanding. Hopefully, that does the trick. Thanks for following up!

So today was reinstall Windows project day and it was a huge fail. No matter what I do when I disable the CSM it automatically restarts and then turns itself back on even if I try to boot from USB to reinstall Windows. Any ideas on what I can try to fix that? Once again I’m stuck with 2 GPUs. The 3rd won’t boot at all with CSM enabled and disabling it is apparently impossible.

What the hardware motherboard Cpu?
Are you at the latest firmware?

I don’t understand your first question?

Next time I restart I will look at the firmware version. I’m not actually sure. It’s whatever came with it. I didn’t mess with it.

Motherboard part number a cpu part number.
You Motherboard might not support more gpus
You should always install latest version of your bios firmware for your motherboard.

Ah ok, thank you. It’s the ASROCK H470 Phantom Gaming 4 paired with an Intel Core i7-10700. The motherboard does support more GPUs. Perhaps it is the firmware version that’s out of date. I’ll get back to you on that.

I would also check your power. If you have a hard crash due to power overload from to many cards or gpu overclock settings are to high this will reset your bios to default some time… So if you are hitting a limit could cause bios to reset configuration

I believe the processor is responsible for managing the PCIe lanes. It may recognize your multiple GPUs, but it may freeze while mining.

I have an old i3 generation that sometimes stuck at GPU recog on boot, and sometimes recognize them properly but freeze after a time.

I’ve updated to a ryzen 5 1600 with another mobo. Along that new kit, I was able to plug 6 GPUs, but I still had an issue with the PCIe, see below…

  • using 1 USB expander on PCIe 1st slot + 2 GPU on 2nd and 3rd PCIe slots cause GPU 5 and 6 to be not regocnized.
  • using 2 USB expander on PCIe 1st and 2nd slots, the 1st with 4 GPUs and the 2nd with 2 more, worked fine.

At the old mobo I’ve mentioned neither these two configuration worked, freezed on both.

After reading this thread, and trying every suggestion from @AIcrowser and @iliyan.yotov and the rest, I have come to the conclusion that it’s mainly the CPU. I have the i5-10400F and apparently its compatibility with this mobo doesn’t allow it to use all the pcie lanes for mining. The mobo did recognize all 5 gpus but was mining on only one gpu. Of course, switching 4G decoding off allows you to mine on a second gpu and that’s as far as it gets. Adding/Removing RAMs did not have any effect on the process whatsoever. I have the latest bios installed and that was of no help either. I’ll be trying to downgrade my bios tonight and if that doesn’t work I’ll test it on Windows and see if it works.

I had the same Issue. I have a new minerdude xtreme. this whole thing was very frustrating.

Eventually it came down to the miner shipped without a cmos battery.

The miner came with HiveOS installed. Hive wants GEN2 in the PCIE link speed - a change to the BIOS. Presumably when the miner was shipped or when hive was installed this setting was changed. However, with no battery you can change the BIOS all you want, but it will always revert to default when it boots (PCIE link speed auto, which meant GEN3).

I was also getting a ton of SSD errors when loading the AMD drivers.

So net to fix the issue, I bought a $2 battery, reimaged hive to the SSD with the hive-image function, and set PCIE link speed to GEN2.

I hope this helps someone else, cuz this took 2 me effin weeks ;-/

hi, G11, could you please share the bios settings of the mainboard tuf h470 pro?

I bought 2 SoonTech 8xGPU mining rigs from Amazon and they will not work with 3 cards only. If you roll back to only two or drop in a 4th or more, you are good to go. Guys at SoonTech actually shared that with me when i encountered the issue. Could be helpful, so thought I would share.

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