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ASUS RX 6600 XT 32.16MH/s & MSI RX 6600 XT Only 28.76MH/s - Total 60.93 MH/s with 106 W

Thank you very much really, I use nbminer, which one do you use?

I also use NBMiner.

No problem, glad to help.

In 1150, crashea right? Have a discord?

Could someone please help a newbie?

My one-worker farm only went on-line today, about 15 hours ago. Hashrate is horrible at 587.0 kH, with 2 invalid shares.

I have one new 6600XT card with the following configuration (this is the latest which I copied from one of the posts above but still bad hashrate):
Core Clock: 1100
Core Voltage: 600
Memory Clock: 1155
Fan: 85

Mining ETH with hiveon and ethmine-ethash.

Motherboard was bought second-hand, has one long PCIe and two short PCIe ports and 8GB RAM. Unsure of CPU.

PSU 1000W. SSD 240GB. Ethernet connection.

Or could it something else with the hardware?

Please help. Thank you.

Maybe your problem is the miner. Try changing your flightsheet to another miner

Iā€™m using gminer and itā€™s getting 33 pretty stable

if you didnā€™t get that hashrate try running ā€œhive-replace -y --stableā€ and than start configuring your flightsheet again.

I have 2 6600XT Shapphire Pulse (Samsung) and 2 6600XT ASRock Challenger (Samsung)

Thank you, Daniel.

I did what you said:
hive-replace -y --stable
updated flight sheet to
core clock: 1100
core voltage: 600
memory clock: 1150

ethash = 587 kH/s (for a few seconds after clicking the rocket, ethash went to 32 MH but immediately reverted to 587-590 kH)
kawpow = n/a

Anything else I should do? Gminer configurations?

Thank you again.

From the miner monitor:

speed: 0 H/s
shares per minute: 0/0/0
efficiency: 0.00 H/W

I just set up the PL to 60% in teamredminer .
Core Clock 1100
Core Volt 685
Memory Clock 1100

to 31Mh/s its running stable ! Its the best i can do after expend 2 days to find some OC they working stable

Frustrated, I turned the Rig off and went to bed. Turned it on when I woke up. (I double-checked all socket andf plugs are sung and tight before turning on.)

Miraculously, Ethash Hashrate is now 33 MH (from 590 kH) and Hiveon Pool Hashrate is 7 MH.

Situation is better but I am keeping close eye on things.

Any further suggestions?

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