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AFOX Representative-RX 580 / RX 570 / RX 5500XT / RX 5700XT - mining

Hola Nineone,
Espero que te encuentres muy bien, tengo 3 afox afrx580-8192d5h7-v2 con memorias Samsung K4G80325FB, podrías indicarme que bios mod aplicarle. Mi mail es [email protected]
Gracias y feliz año nuevo

Hello I just bought few AFOX RX 5700 XT cards and cant find stable mining settings. Anyone with this card to help me?

Hi, please can you send me settings for Radeon RX 5700XT? Cards have memory “Samsung GDDR6 · 113-D199Fighter-006”.
My email is [email protected]
Kind regards

Hi Marek, thank you for your email, will send you after our technical team reply

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thank you for helping me.
One more information about cards. They all have mining edition sticker on backplate.
Kind regards

[email protected]
Please send me
Rx 580

I send an email please respond thnak you.

my memory Samsung K4G80325FB.

[email protected]

afterall I cant go under 130-140w without degrading a performance. All other my RX 5700XT have much lower power consumpion. Any trick for lowering power consumptions or your cards are just too voracious?

Hello nineone I would like to ask you if it is possible for you to send me some bios for an afox rx 580 8gb that I have Samsung K4G80325FB memories since I can not extract more than 28 mhs in hiveos. my email is [email protected]

From already thank you very much !!!

sent it,pls check

gracias, aguardo el bios .rom

Can you please send the rom to me

my memory Samsung K4G80325FB

My mail : [email protected]

some please share the optimal parameters for Afox Rx580 Samsung memory

Good morning Nineone, could you please send me the mod bios and configuration corresponding to my plates, since I cannot have stable mining (capture attached). My email is: [email protected]

Can you please send the rom to me

my memory Samsung K4G80325FB

My mail : [email protected]

if i put some Oc…all rig crash and stop mining, i dont know what is happening

please, can you help me? i want 32 - 33 Mh like my others rx580 with hynix mem. =)

Can i get this settings ?

can i get settings and bios?

[email protected]

Invalid Shares! How to solve this problem?

helo i have AFOX Radeon RX 580 2048SP 8gb samsung memory someone have vbios for hiveos? [email protected]