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2 x RTX 3060

Answered already… see please.

In short. In MB bios is bifurcation configuration for first PCIe x16 slot only.

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I have ASUS PRIME Z590M PLUS. I have tried all the troubleshooting in BIOS. My first RTX 3060 is connected to the first slot where I am getting 49 MHs, but the second RTX is not giving me more than 28MHs. I have tried risers connected to M2 as well with 16X, but there is no luck. I am only getting around 75MHs from both the cards combine. Hence, it proved, you can’t use two 3060 to get the full potential. Only one of them will work on 48-50 Mhs and another one will work only half measures as compared to first PCIe slot.

Please use the right motherboard, if you want to Mine with 3060. I lost the money and I hope you won’t lose it. :frowning:

Hey I’m not sure if you have fixed this. I did some research on my Gygabyte Aorus and it says you have to have 11th gen cpu in order for the 4.0 16x to work on both pcie and switch to 8x8 in order for it to work. let me know.

try with 11th gen cpu… it’s suppose to help with these gigbyte motherboards… I have one and read up on it.

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